Help on pesky grass bugs available in Wyoming

(Journal photo by Kylene Scott.)

For producers concerned about discolored wheatgrass in pastures and fields, the University of Wyoming Extension has released a free digital publication on how to identify and treat black grass bug infestations.

Especially in eastern Wyoming, black grass bugs can cause significant damage to cool season grasses, severely reducing the nutrient content of livestock forage and preventing seed formation.

These small, cold-tolerant insects emerge in early spring and feed on the intermediate and crested wheatgrasses common in eastern Wyoming. The discoloration and poor growth caused by their feeding is easily mistaken for damage caused by drought or frost.

Damaged plants often recover with adequate moisture later in the season, but infestations during a drought may result in lasting damage.

The new publication presents various options for control, including grazing practices, mowing, prescribed burning and chemical treatment.

Depending on when the infestation is detected, or whether the goal is to prevent a future infestation, recommended strategies may vary. To view the new publication, visit