Light calves bring hefty prices

There are simple fly control tactics, including feeding a fly control mineral, that can help keep horn fly populations under wraps. (Courtesy photo.)
"Just A Scoopful" - Jerry Nine
“Just A Scoopful” – Jerry Nine

If you are trying to buy some light calves for $1,000 or less, you might be surprised how light you have to get them and might have to buy some milk replacer.

A man said, “Buy me some bull calves that weigh 185 to 250 pounds and nice quality.” So I bid on a set that weighed 250 and ran them to $1,040 and didn’t get them. I was trying to buy some 300-pound heifers at $1,050 and naturally wanted them weaned, if possible. Well, you couldn’t find much that small and for sure not weaned.

I realized I was going to have to buy a little bigger and try to keep the dollars at $1,200. But if you find a nice set that weighs 400 pounds you better plan on spending over $1,200. And a 500-pound heifer will scare the heck out of $1,500.

Most of the knowledge you get at the breakfast table where all the cowboys gather early in the morning is crap but I’ll let you decide. One said if your radiator leaks pour a bunch of pepper in there. It will seal it up. He said his was good for two more years. Another said a man put in a bunch of raw eggs and pepper. Like I said most is crap!

One of my neighbors was telling us this morning that the county had hired a bunch of younger kids to mow beside the road and bar ditch. He said I guess one of them thought there was enough room between my mailbox and the fence by my house. One cowboy asked, “Was there?” He said, “No but there is now.”

I have tried every excuse in the book to get out of a ticket. One friend said he found that if you will just admit you are guilty that cops will normally not give you a ticket. Not the cop I got. I said, “Yes officer I knew I was going 82 miles per hour.” He said, “Well good, here’s a ticket.” Wow I could have told you most of my friends are stupid.

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.