Montana AG joins petition to clarify labels

See & Spray Select can help farmers reduce their herbicide use by 77% on average by targeting and spraying only weeds on fallow ground. (Courtesy photo.)

Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen joined a coalition of attorneys general Aug. 7 in urging the Environmental Protection Agency to implement a new rule that would create uniform labeling requirements on pesticide products across the country.

By streamlining the process and pre-empting misbranding from other states, the rule would lift large burdens currently placed on farmers across the country.

Currently, the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act allows each state to create separate requirements that manufacturers must include when labeling their products.

In some instances, manufacturers are even forced to label products with health information that is inconsistent with the EPA’s findings about a product’s health effects, leaving manufacturers and farmers unsure about their legal obligations and the health effects of certain products.

Attorneys general from Nebraska, Iowa, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, North Dakota, South Carolina and South Dakota also joined the petition for rulemaking.