New focus for Nebraska Soil Health School

Soil moisture is defined as the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of soil. (Journal photo by Kylene Scott.)

The Nebraska Soil Health School will be held on Sept. 4 at Fort Robinson State Park, located at Soldier Creek Road and U.S. Highway 20. Hosted by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the schools are designed to build upon soil-related knowledge and practices for growers, crop consultants, ag professionals and others.

The program will focus on integrated crop and livestock system goals and objectives that might affect soil health management with the following presentations: How to radically transform High Plains agriculture into a system that makes money and restores ecological function: Dale Strickler, soil health measurements and carbon market, Bijesh Maharjan UNL associate professor, with Jessica Groskopf, UNL extension educator economics; Cattle grazing and soil health on rangeland, Mitchell Stephenson, UNL associate professor; and NRCS soil health demonstrations and live rainfall simulator, Nathan Mueller, USDA NRCS state soil health specialist, and Riley Hackbart, USDA NRCS soil scientist.

Strickler will deliver the keynote presentation. Registration will begin at 9 a.m. The event’s full agenda and pre-registration can be found at