Well for some people who like cold weather, I guess you should be very happy. I hope some of you also liked that 40 miles per hour wind that came with it earlier in the week.
This morning a friend of mine acted like he was cold, and I looked at him and thought now how could you be cold? And after I asked him that question, he asked me if I needed a little Ivomec. It seems like I heard years ago that sarcasm will get you nowhere. That isn’t true because it has put me on several people’s lists.
How many weeks can we quote the cattle market being $3 to $6 higher with instances of $15 higher? On Monday I saw a black heifer weighing 410 pounds that brought $3.90 per hundredweight. Just in case your calculator doesn’t work, that is $1,599 per head. The average price on a heifer weighing 710 pounds was $255.07, which is $1,811 per head. That is a $212 difference. I’m sure that small heifer was put with some others that were cheaper, but in my world, there is vaccine, trucking and the risk of keeping her alive.
A friend of mine said the feedlot manager called him and asked if he had ever sold any $2 a pound fat cattle before. He said, “No.” The feedlot manager said, “Well you are going to this week.” The interesting thing to me about beef reaching all-time highs is I don’t hear anything about the talk of “Is it getting too high for the consumer?”
On that $1,600 calf, the interest for five months is more than $50 per head. Or am I the only one paying interest?
One area the beef industry is getting beat at is the food case at convenience stores. Almost all the items are chicken.
At the airport the other day, I was standing by an elderly couple. His wife appeared not to be the smiling type. I heard him say to her, “It’s crowded enough we might not get to sit by each other.” Then he looked over at me and smiled.
If you have a child who seems to think he or she wants to get married earlier than you think he or she should, and perhaps that child talks about wanting kids, I have the perfect remedy. Buy him or her an airplane ticket and sit that child next to three screaming kids, and I promise you that will take the desire out of that child. I never wanted to spank someone else’s kids more in my life. Either those kids needed muzzles, or I needed ear plugs.
Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.