Kansas hay demand light, trades remain slow

This past week, demand was light, and trades remained slow, according to the Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, March 25.
Prices were mostly steady. Contributors continued to talk about the worsting drought conditions as many are busy in the fields preparing for the planting season. Prices are based on averages and given on a per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted.
Southwest—Demand, light. Trade activity is slow. Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, alfalfa and ground and delivered, steady. Alfalfa: Dairy, $1.05-$1.15/point RFV. Good stock or dry cow, $115-$125. Fair/good, grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $100-$110, large squares, $100-110. Ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, $150-$160. Bluestem grass, large rounds CRP, $75/bale. For the week ending March 22, it was reported 4,117.5 tons of grinding alfalfa and no dairy alfalfa was bought or sold.
South central—Demand, light to moderate. Trade activity is slow to moderate. Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground and delivered, steady. Alfalfa pellet steady. Alfalfa: Dairy $1-$1.10/point RFV. Good stock cow, $115-$125. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $105–$115 delivered, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $100-$115 delivered. Alfalfa ground and delivered, $140-$150. Sun-cured alfalfa pellets, 15% protein, $220-$225, 17% protein, $225-$230, 17% dehydrated, $340. Sudan, large rounds, $50-$60. For the week ending March 22, it was reported 7,185 tons of grinding alfalfa and 75 tons of dairy alfalfa was bought or sold.
Southeast—Demand light. Trade activity is slow. Dairy alfalfa, bluestem and brome hay price, steady. Dairy, $1.05-$1.10/point RFV. Good stock cow, $120-$125. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, large squares, $105-$115. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $145-$160, large rounds, $80-$95, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $100-$120. Brome, small squares, $6-$10/bale, large rounds, $100-$110, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $110-$125. Wheat straw, large squares, $70. For the week ending March 22, it was reported 1,628 tons of grass hay was bought or sold.
Northwest—Little to no demand. Trade activity is slow. Horse alfalfa, $175-$185. Fair/good grinding alfalfa, large rounds and squares, $90-$100.
North central/northeast—Demand light to moderate. Trade activity is slow. Dairy alfalfa, grinding alfalfa, ground and delivered steady. Brome and bluestem grass steady. Alfalfa: Dairy $1.10-$1.20/point RFV; Horse or goat alfalfa, small squares, $13/bale. Good stock cow, $140-$150; Fair/good, grinding alfalfa, large rounds, $75-$85, 3×4 and 4×4 squares, $100-$105. Alfalfa ground and delivered, $135-$145. Bluestem grass hay, small squares, $8-$8.50/bale, large rounds, $75-$85, large squares, $85-$95. Brome, small squares, $8-$9/bale, large rounds, $80-$90. For the week ending March 22, it was reported 591 tons of grinding alfalfa and 167 tons of dairy alfalfa was bought or sold.
Source: Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, Manhattan, Kansas.