High Plains cattle sales report

High Plains weekly weighted direct cattle slaughter report indicated receipts of 95,227 head of cattle selling for the week ending on March 8, compared to 76,997 head the previous week and 65,331 head a year ago, according to the USDA Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News Division, St. Joseph, Missouri.

The report includes sales from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa and Minnesota feedlots.

Steers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 26,751 head, 1,235 to 1,645 lbs., 111.00 to 115.50 (113.30); 65 to 80% Choice, 6,746 head, 1,285 to 1,550 lbs., 108.00 to 113.00 (112.75); 35 to 65% Choice, 2,422 head, 1,225 to 1,500 lbs., 112.00 to 113.00 (112.97). Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 936 head, 1,375 to 1,500 lbs., 113.00 to 115.00 (114.63). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 11,763 head, 806 to 1,024 lbs., 178.00 to 182.00 (180.85); 65 to 80% Choice, 3,315 head, 774 to 948 lbs., 178.00 to 182.00 (180.63) Dressed FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 875 head, 905 to 1,000 lbs., 180.00 to 181.00 (180.57).

Heifers: Live FOB basis, over 80% Choice, 16,828 head, 1,175 to 1,525 lbs., 111.00 to 115.00 (112.91); 65 to 80% Choice, 4,820 head, 1,125 to 1,375 lbs., 110.00 to 113.00 (112.53); 35 to 65% Choice, 449 head, 1,090 to 1,270 lbs., 113.00. Live delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 570 head, 1,225 to 1,350 lbs., 114.00 to 115.00 (114.86). Dressed delivered basis, over 80% Choice, 4,924 head, 777 to 889 lbs., 180.00 to 182.00 (180.53); 65 to 80% Choice, 367 head, 772 to 882 lbs., 180.00 to 182.00 (180.98). Dressed FOB basis, over 80% Choice. 241 head, 810 to 873 lbs., 180.00 to 181.00 (180.48).