Seed company launches new product lineup for 2019

The DEKALB and Asgrow brands are offering a robust lineup of new products for 2019 that feature 100 percent exclusive genetics and advanced agronomic traits to promote high yield potential.

Included are five new DEKALB Disease Shield products that provide the broadest protection available against the top corn diseases without sacrificing yield. This expansion includes earlier maturities for the upper Midwest, resulting in a total of 12 products in the 105 to 120 relative maturities for the 2019 season.

DEKALB Disease Shield corn products combine high yield potential with stacked protection against five yield-robbing diseases—anthracnose stalk rot, gray leaf spot, Goss’s wilt, northern corn leaf blight and, in limited geographies, southern rust. In 2016 and 2017, these products achieved an average yield advantage of 9.2 bushels/acre in more than 12,000 trial plot comparisons with competitor corn products across the U.S.

“The 2019 expansion reflects farmer demand for added protection and the success of the product class in protecting against key corn diseases while still providing the yield potential farmers expect,” said Jared Webb, DEKALB product manager. “Farmers like the idea of enhanced protection, since disease pressure can’t be predicted in any given year. In field testing, these five new products demonstrated very good standability, late season staygreen and intactness.”

In all, the DEKALB brand is offering a total of 30 new products for the next season that have demonstrated high yield potential with solid agronomic defensive packages.

Webb said new DEKALB Disease Shield products include DKC55-53RIB Brand Blend and DKC58-34RIB Brand Blend targeted for Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and northern Missouri. New DEKALB products, he said, include DKC47-55RIB Brand Blend, primarily adapted for South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska.

Thirty-four new Asgrow Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybean products are being introduced nationally for 2019. Tyler Uhe, Asgrow product manager, said this new class has shown a nearly 2.7 bushel/acre average yield advantage against competitor products. “These new Asgrow products provide improved standability as well as enhanced white mold and IDC tolerance, with higher yield potential,” he said.

New Asgrow Roundup Ready 2 Xtend products include AG21X9 Brand (Iowa, eastern Nebraska, eastern South Dakota and Minnesota); AG30X9 Brand (Iowa and eastern Nebraska); and Asgrow AG37X9 Brand (Missouri, eastern Nebraska and Iowa). 

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