2018 Beef Feedlot Roundtable set for Feb. 6 at Bridgeport

Beef feedlot managers, owners, employees and supporting personnel will learn the latest in feedlot nutrition, health, and marketing at the 2018 Beef Feedlot Roundtable Feb. 6 at Prairie Winds Community Center in Bridgeport.

Other locations in Nebraska will include Feb. 7 at the Dawson County Extension office by the fairgrounds in Lexington, and Feb. 8 at the Nielsen Community Center in West Point.

Registration and welcome begins at 12:30 p.m. At 1 p.m. University and industry representatives will speak about nutrition, health, transportation, and other timely topics for feedlot operators. Topics and presenters include:

  • New Disease Emergence: Congestive Heart Failure (Brian Vander Ley, Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center);
  • Euthanization Protocols for Cattle (Jan Shearer, ISU);
  • BQA Audit: Transportation (Rob Eirich, UNL Extension, Nebraska BQA Director);
  • Beef Council Activities (Doug Straight, Nebraska Beef Council);
  • Impact of Calf Nutrition on the Cow and Carryover into Feedyard (Travis Mulliniks, UNL West Center Research and Extension Center); and
  • UNL Feedlot Research and Extension Update (Galen Erickson, Nebraska Extension).

Preregistration is available by phone, fax, email or mail, and requested by Feb. 2. Cost is $20 for those who preregister, and will be accepted at the door. Cost for those who have not preregistered will be $40.

For more information or a registration form contact Galen Erickson at the UNL Animal Science Department in Lincoln, 402-472-6362, email gerickson4@unl.edu.

A brochure with registration form can be downloaded from the Panhandle research and Extension Center’s website, http://panhandle.unl.edu. Look for the link to Beef Feedlot Roundtables.

The Beef Feedlot Roundtable is sponsored by Nebraska Extension and the Nebraska Beef Council and ISU Extension.