Replanting options after hail

Summer hail storms can cause considerable damage to area crops. Management decisions for severely hail-damaged fields can include the following; abandon copping for this summer and fallow, or, replant with a crop that will mature before the first fall frost. Available soil moisture, previous herbicides applied, and crop insurance can all influence replanting decisions.

For dryland crop production, soil moisture is a critical factor when deciding to replant. A general rule of thumb (though not scientific) is 2 feet of available soil moisture is the minimum needed to begin a crop, with moisture to 4 feet being ideal. But, even with a 2 foot soil profile near saturation, adequate rainfall is essential for the remainder of the growing season to provide acceptable yields. Soil samples from 4-foot profiles throughout fields in question will determine whether adequate soil moisture exists for replanting success.

Previously applied herbicides also are important to consider. Fields with some sulfonylurea herbicides such as Ally have strict crop rotation restrictions. These restrictions are printed on the label and must be followed.

When hail damage occurs after June 1, recrop options become somewhat limited due to a limited growing season, however, there are a few acceptable crops that will mature. Irrigated fields can be re-planted with dry-beans, sunflower, millet, early season corn or a feed crop. If corn is the crop desired for replanting then a general deadline is June 15 and consider varieties of 85 days or less in maturity. Corn should not be an option later than mid-June. Fields that are replanted after mid-June consider millet, sunflower, or a feed crop. Millet has been grown in the High Plains for quite some time and its short maturity makes the crop a viable option. Sunflower has also shown promise in University testing. Colorado State University Extension studies suggest sunflower planted as late as July 6 has matured satisfactory (Meyer, Pilcher and Peairs). Although somewhat lower in yield and quality, late planted sunflowers can still produce quite well, offering a salvage crop to a farm with weather-destroyed crops. If a feed crop is the choice, have markets in place or be able to use the production in your own operation. Late planting options exist, however, keep in mind that late season rainfall is needed to bring this cropping strategy to harvest.