Corn, soybean cash bids mixed

Compared to Nov. 5, cash bids for corn and soybeans were mixed, wheat was mostly higher, while sorghum was lower, according to the National Grain Market Summary, Nov. 6.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture said late Nov. 5 that 76 percent of the corn is in and the states in the western Plains that are lagging have a mostly dry forecast for the next seven days with colder temperatures on the way. As of Nov. 4, 83 percent of soybeans were harvested and, while that is closer to the finish line, many states are still behind their usual pace for this time of year. It’s possible not all the winter wheat growers wanted to plant this fall may get planted. Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are still behind their usual paces with 37 percent of Kansas’ soybeans still in the field and colder temperatures on the way.

Wheat was steady to 7 cents higher. Corn was from 2 3/4 cents lower to 4 cents higher. Soybeans were from 1 1/2 cents lower to 8 1/2 cents higher. Sorghum was 1 1/4 cents lower.

In the futures close, Kansas City December wheat was $5.08, up 39 cents.

Terminal wheat bids, paid for truck delivery, included Kansas City, $5.18, up 3 1/4 cents; Minneapolis, $5.93 1/2, up 7 cents; Portland, $6.22 to $6.35, unchanged; St. Louis, $4.72 to $5.37, up 5 cents.

Terminal corn bids, U.S. No. 2 yellow, price paid for truck deliver, included: Kansas City, $3.61 1/4 to $3.66 1/4, down 3/4 cent; Minneapolis, non comparisons; southern Iowa, $3.55 1/4, up 1/4 to down 2 3/4 cents; Omaha, $3.49 to $3.50, up 4 to 1 cent.

Terminal soybean bids, U.S. No. 1, price paid for truck delivery, included: Kansas City, $8.29 1/4 to $8.34 1/4, down 1 1/2 cents; Minneapolis, no comparisons; southern Iowa, $8.21 1/4 to $8.31 1/4, down 1 1/2 cents; central Illinois processors, $8.29 1/4 to $8.64 1/4, down 1 1/2 to 8 1/2 cents.

Kansas City wheat prices Nov. 6, spot, fob track, included: No. 1 hard red winter wheat, ordinary protein, $6.23 to $6.38, up 3 1/4 cents; 12% protein, $6.38 to $6.53, up 3 1/4 cents; 13% protein, $6.43 to $6.58, up 3 1/4 cents; 14% protein, $6.48 to $6.63, up 3 1/4 cents. U.S. No. 2 soft red winter wheat was unavailable. U.S. No. 2 white corn was unavailable.