No-till on the Plains offers innovative workshop on reducing fertilizer budgets

No-till on the Plains is offering a new workshop just prior to the 23rd annual Winter Conference. This is a unique opportunity for producers to take an in-depth look between fertilizer, plant health and soil health. Conducted by educator Joel Williams, the day-long workshop Reducing the Fertilizer Budget will be held in the Century II Convention Center on Jan. 28, 2019.

Joel Williams is an independent plant and soil health educator, a healthy soils advocate and presenter on soil biology, plant nutrition and integrated approaches of sustainable farming. Williams has worked on conventional and organic farms improving biological farming practices in Australia and the UK, integrating soil chemical and biological assessments along with plant nutritional analysis as a joined-up strategy for plant management.

Over the last ten years my observations and experience with agriculture soils convince me we are underselling the value of the biology” Williams says. Gaining a greater understanding of the benefits to crops from the biological community is the best way for producers to become more efficient with their inputs.”