
Cow Calf, Disease, Livestock

Stress and parasite connection

K-State Beef Cattle Institute experts explain how calves can experience coccidiosis post-weaning and how to manage them if they do get sick. Read More

Cows and their fall-born calves out on pasture (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Fall calving considerations

Loading calves gently can help to minimize the amount of stress that calves experience, said K-State veterinarians. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Preparing calves for the auction

Lush wheat basks in the evening sun April 28 just north of Salina, Kansas. Local farmers say the crop needs more rain to yield well. (Photo by Tim Unruh.)
Cattle grazing in a wheat pasture (Photo: Kansas State University Extension)
Calves can get their best foot forward at branding time. (Journal photo by Kylene Scott.)
Cattle (File photo, MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.)

Can high cattle prices pay for mistakes?

(Journal photo by Jennifer Theurer.)
Cows need to be monitored for calving-related issues, according to veterinarians at K-State’s Beef Cattle Institute. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Cattle Chat: Selecting a replacement female for the herd

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension