cover crops

(Journal stock photo.)
Cover crops emerging in a field of soybeans (Photo: Iowa State University Extension and Outreach)

Cover Crop Field Day to Be Held near Portsmouth, IA Aug. 27

  • By Elizabeth Ripley │ Iowa State University Extension
A farmer pours soybean seed into his planter prior to no-till planting into cereal rye. (Photo courtesy of Jason Johnson/Iowa NRCS)
Gabe Brown (Courtesy photo.)
Grazing cover crops with beef cattle increases soil organic carbon stocks and potassium concentrations in grazed plots, according to a study from Kansas State University. (K-State Research and Extension news service)

Grazing cover crops benefits soil health in dryland systems

  • By Kelsey Stremel │ K-State Research and Extension news service
A no-till field one of the Rooneys farms near Sheffield. (Jason Johnson - Iowa NRCS)

CSP helps Rooneys take conservation to the next level

  • By Jason Johnson │USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service
Winter rye cover crops offer multiple benefits, including carbon sequestration. (Photo by Tom Kasper, D3362-1.)
Iowa Department of Agriculture & Land Stewardship