phillip lancaster

Central Region, Kansas, Livestock

Short-term supplementation strategy

K-State beef cattle experts explain how protein supplementation supports rumen health when forage quality is low. Read More

The decision to sell cows from the herd is often influenced by a variety of factors, including her performance, the quality of her offspring, cattle prices and marketing opportunities. (Photo: Kansas State University Research and Extension)

How offspring performance influences culling decision

Cattle make fewer trips to the feedbunk during muddy conditions, which results in lower feed intake. (Courtesy photo by Troy Walz.)
Cattle grazing in a wheat pasture. (K-State Research and Extension news service)

Making the most of forage resources

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Cattle grazing in a wheat pasture (Photo: Kansas State University Extension)

Cattle Chat: Making the most of forage resources

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Cattle grazing a hillside in June. (Photo: Courtesy of K-State Research and Extension news service)

Cattle Chat: Summer grazing

  • By Jacob Klaudt │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Cows need to be monitored for calving-related issues, according to veterinarians at K-State’s Beef Cattle Institute. (Photo: K-State Research and Extension)

Cattle Chat: Selecting a replacement female for the herd

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
To help meet their nutritional needs calves sometimes are offered creep feed while still nursing their dams. (Photo courtesy of Kansas State University Research and Extension.)

Cattle Chat: Ways to meet the nutritional needs of heifer calves  

  • By Lisa Moser │ Kansas State University Research and Extension

Cattle Chat: Managing cattle grazing cornstalks