2018 Vision

During our last winter weather blast I was searching for projects to do with my little ones. I spied a stack of magazines that I’d read, dog-eared and clipped recipe ideas from over the past few months. I told the girls to meet me at the table with several sheets of clean paper. I grabbed those magazines, scissors and a few glue sticks and we were set for adventure.

I didn’t really have a plan which was a good plan because it gave the kids creative license without interference from mom. I watched as they flipped the pages and considered whether they would choose a photograph or design to clip out. About an hour later we had a quick snack and were ready to glue the masterpieces together.

One kiddo carefully lined up each clip so they fit like puzzle pieces. Her collection was organized based on how the pieces fit on the page. One of the kids sorted her clips by category and glued each one in sections such as food, animals and activities. This is a good reminder that people communicate and share ideas in different, but equally powerful ways.

The kids were off and running to set up a tea party for their stuffed animals. I sat at the table with my coffee and studied their creations. Life through the eyes of a couple of 4-year-olds is uncomplicated. Their clips included various cats and dogs doing silly things. They selected photos of food they enjoy, most of it healthy thankfully. From a family fun-themed magazine they chose projects and activities they’d like to do or games to play outside when the weather is warmer.

Our 10-year-old carefully selected and trimmed words and phrases that inspire her as well as hairstyles and clothes she’d like to try. There were smoothie recipes, a fitness challenge and several clips of gymnastics-related activities.

As I studied each one and pondered why they chose what they did it occurred to me that they were all positive in nature. They were pictures of what they aspired to be or do. There were places they’d like to go and adventures they’d like to have.

I picked up the scissors and flipped through the remains of the magazines. It felt good to be doing something that wasn’t related to an electronic device. The tactile exercise became so much more than a way to pass the time.

I didn’t set resolutions for 2018. I suppose I have a few things in mind that are likely on just about everyone else’s lists that are hot and heavy for about 45 days before getting lost in the reality of real life. So I decided I would make a vision board for 2018.

What exactly is a vision board? It’s a visual representation of items such as your goals, dreams, ideal lifestyle and desires. Perhaps even what you aspire to be. It’s an easy process to consider and compile your resolutions in a way that you can be encouraged with a quick glance each day.

How to create a 2018 vision board in 3 steps

1. Identify your goals and desires for 2018.

Don’t overthink this step. Your life has a unique purpose and when you align your goals with this purpose, you will more easily achieve fulfilling success. Jot down what comes immediately to mind. There is likely more than one purpose when you identify and follow your passions. When you’re in this flow, you will be at your best.

If you’re stuck at this point, grab a magazine and start flipping through it. Take a look at your online pin boards. Separate the feeling of what you think you “should” be doing with what you “desire” to be doing. These are what you want on your vision board.


2. Start creating.

Grab a blank sheet of paper, any size. I like to start big and glue from the middle out and then trim it down. You don’t want to limit your content to your canvas size. Get as crafty as you’d like with glue, markers and embellishments. It’s okay to keep it simple though. Don’t overthink this step.

Choose your content from magazines, photo albums, online prints and anything else that represents your goals and desires. Choose words, phrases and pictures that depict goals in specific areas of your life and separate them onto three blank sheets. This could be family, career and self. Or create one big smattering of vision. 

I’m more of a smattering gal with content radiating from a center point. The most important presides in the center, with primary goals, secondary goals and finally, tertiary goals around the outer ring.

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3. Make it visual.

It is important to place your vision board in a spot where you will see it before bed and in the morning. Studies show the images you see just prior to going to sleep are the ones that replay in your subconscious mind as you sleep. Seeing the board as you head into your day will provide motivation and vigor for a positive day.

I like to keep my vision board in my closet tacked up where it’s a bit more private. You may want to share your board and ask for accountability partners. If you make a family vision board where everyone contributes, you could hang it in your dining room to spur dinner-time conversation on progress.

Don’t be afraid to remove or add content to your board throughout the year. A gal in my office shared that she uses a bulletin board to tack up new thoughts and ideas as they come. Don’t overthink this step. It’s your board so it can be whatever and wherever you choose.


This is the perfect soup for a cold night. Jeff tossed in some spicy Italian sausage he’d browned in the skillet to add more protein.


1 Tbsp. vegetable oil

1 c. diced yellow onion

1 garlic clove, minced

6 c. vegetable broth

2 1/2 c. zucchini, cubed bite-size

2 1/2 c. peeled baking potato, cubed bite-size

1 c. cut green beans

1/2 c. diced carrot

1 tsp. dried oregano

1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

1/4 tsp. salt

4 c. chopped kale

1/2 c. uncooked orzo

1 (16-oz.) can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained

1/2 c. grated fresh Parmesan cheese


1. Heat the oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; sauté 2 1/2 minutes or until tender.

2. Add broth and the next 7 ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer 5 minutes.

3. Add kale, orzo, and beans; cook 5 minutes or until orzo is done and vegetables are tender. Serve in bowls and sprinkle with cheese.