Southern Plains Wildfire Forum happening Feb. 13 at the Beaver Fairgrounds

As part of their commitment to help farmers and ranchers in the Southern Plains of the United States deal with extreme weather events, Redlands Community College, the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub and the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program will be hosting the 2018 Southern Plains Wildfire Forum Feb. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the fairgrounds in Beaver, Oklahoma. According to David Brown, director of the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub, the purpose of the forum is to provide farmers and ranchers an opportunity to learn about wildfire risk factors and management strategies for reducing future wildfire risks.

“For two years in a row Northwest Oklahoma, Southwest Kansas and the Texas Panhandle have been impacted by devastating wildfires and conditions are setting for another devastating fire season in 2018,” Brown said. “The farmers, ranchers and other landowners who live and work in this area need all the tools they can get to help them prepare for what could be another challenging spring. It’s our hope that this forum can provide them with useful information that will assist them in better protecting their operations from these extreme events.”

Issues to be discussed at the forum include historical and future weather conditions associated with wildfires in the region, prescribed fire as a tool for controlling fuel loads and reducing future wildfire risks, forage management strategies and a discussion of USDA and other programs available to producers.

Those wishing to attend the meeting can register online at or by calling Clay Pope at 405-699-2087.

There is no charge for the meeting and lunch will be provided. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Beaver County Fairgrounds located at 1107 Douglas Ave.

For more information, contact Leah Kos at 405-325-2541 or Clay Pope at 405-699-2087.