Kansas River Valley Experiment field Crop Update meeting planned for Feb. 15 in Topeka

The Kansas River Valley Experiment Station and the Shawnee County Extension office will host a Kansas River Valley Experiment Field Crop Update on Feb. 15 at 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Shawnee County Farm Bureau Office located at 3801 SW Wanamaker, Topeka.

Topics for the Crop Update will be as follows:

Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Profitability with Late-Season Fertilization in Corn—Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Associate Professor, Soil Fertility Specialist, Kansas State University;

Inversion and Utilizing Local Weather Data, Christopher Redmond, Assistant Scientist, K-State; and

Integrated Pigweed Management and Reducing the Risk of Herbicide Resistance in Soybeans, Marshall M. Hay, 4R CCA, Graduate Teaching Assistant, K-State.

This is an event open to interested land owners and crop producers with a $20 charge for membership, materials and lunch. We do ask that attendees pre-register in order to guarantee adequate materials and lunches by Feb. 13 by calling the Shawnee County Extension at 785-232-0062. Participants may also contact Leroy Russell at [email protected] or Eric Adee at [email protected] with questions.