Food Policy Action Education Fund launches first State of the Plate

Food Policy Action Education Fund launched its first State of the Plate analysis examining the tremendous power of the executive branch to reshape food policy. FPA-EF works to educate the public on federal solutions to help make our food system more balanced and provide safe, healthy, affordable food for all. This new annual snapshot analysis aims to be a valuable educational resource to do both.

“As we enter our sixth year, our organization continues to grow and we are excited to expand our focus,” said Monica Mills, executive director of Food Policy Action Education Fund. “This year provided numerous examples of the executive branch having a huge impact on the food system and the lawmaking behind it. This administration’s regulatory rollbacks, political appointments and executive orders have affected everyone within our food system–from workers to producers to consumers.”

At a packed morning briefing on Capitol Hill, the report launch was kicked off with opening remarks by anti-hunger and good food champion Congressman Jim McGovern, MA-02. Mills moderated the panel and experts from across the food policy spectrum discussed the analysis and provided their own assessments on the state of our food system after the first year of the new administration.

“Indeed, President Trump has repeatedly argued that he’s done more than any recent president,” said Mills. “But that’s just not true if the measure is the pieces of legislation he has signed. What is true, though, is that he has undone a lot of things that were already in place. In one year, this administration has systematically overturned rules, policies and regulatory tools. That is what this analysis covers and what we’re discussing today.”

Panelists included Kristy Anderson, American Heart Association; Amy Brandwein, chef and restaurateur; Adrienne DerVartanian, Farmworker Justice; Thomas Gremillion, Consumer Federation of America; Joe Maxwell, Organization for Competitive Markets; Erik Olson, Natural Resources Defense Council; and Ricardo Salvador, Union of Concerned Scientists.