Colorado State University Extension hosts Private Pesticide Recertifcation Programs
There will be a series of Private Pesticide Recertification sessions at various locations in Northeast Colorado. Keep in mind that persons with expired pesticide licenses will need to re-take the pesticide license exam and the recertification classes offered will not work for expired licenses. Anyone who purchases restricted-use pesticides must have a Private Pesticide Applicator license issued by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Private Applicator license study guides and exams can be obtained either from the Colorado Department of Agriculture or some Extension offices. Once a license is received, it is active for 3 years before renewal is needed. Renewal can be achieved by either retaking the exam or attending a recertification meeting. These recertification meetings offer credits that can be substituted for retaking the exam. Licenses that expire prior to obtaining recertification credits will require re-taking the private pesticide exam.
Locations and times are as follows:
Feb. 20 at the Burlington Community Center from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.;
Feb. 21 at the Irrigation Research Farm (IRF) in Yuma from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.;
Feb. 21 at the Washington County Extension office in Akron from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.; and
Feb. 22 at the Sedgwick County Fairgrounds in Julesburg from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Cost is $45 per person and includes all 7 core credits. These credits will enable re-licensing without re-testing. Registration on-line can be done by visiting or by contacting the Colorado State University Extension office in Burlington at 719-346-5571. To ensure adequate space for everyone, pre-registration at these locations is required.