Frustration with falling prices

I don’t mind the market going down if there seems to be reason but it is very frustrating when it seems it is simply going down because of a sell off of futures without much reason.

I would have thought with the packers being aggressive and fat cattle buyers giving $127 a hundredweight and futures at $122 would have boosted the futures, also. But our demand for beef and fat cattle sometimes seem to have nothing to do with futures and what they are trading at. It is almost like they are two separate commodities.

I’m wondering if you are familiar with a group called R-CALF USA? There will be a meeting at the Woodward Livestock Auction on March 28 with anyone wanting to eat at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starting at 7:30 p.m. They will be there to discuss the state of the cattle industry and how they feel it is headed in the wrong direction. They will also discuss how the processing side of the industry dictates policies that work against the economic interest of live cattle producers and how they have captured control of the live cattle supply chain. They have met with one of Trump’s men and talked to him about trade and not being fair. I think this is a meeting you will want to attend.

There are several fires around the country again this year. So far the firefighters have gotten them put out but I have heard they thought several of them were started intentionally. All of us need to be on the look out and write down any vehicle that looks suspicious. If you can take a picture with your phone that would be great; just be safe in the process. Then report any suspicious activity.

The teacher said to her student, “Your composition on ‘My Dog’ is exactly like your brother’s. Did you copy off him?” He said, “No, it’s the same dog.”

A friend of mine said his wife had tried lots of diets and none seemed to work. However, she finally found one that worked, as she broke her leg and since then her husband started doing all the cooking. Now she has lost 10 pounds.

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.