Reminder to South Dakota chemical applicators of dicamba’s restricted use

With many soybeans in the state blooming, the South Dakota Department of Agriculture reminds all agricultural producers and applicators of label restrictions on certain dicamba products.

The SDDA approved the federal label for Engenia, Fexapan and Xtendimax with Vapor Grip technology herbicides for the 2018 growing season. According to the federal label, applications of these products can occur until the R1 growth stage of the soybean crop, also known as beginning bloom.

“A majority of South Dakota soybeans are now past the R1 stage,” states SDDA Agricultural Services Division assistant director Tom Gere. “Due to soybean growth across the state, South Dakota applicators need to be aware that dicamba products are not to be used after the R1 growth stage,” Gere added.

The SDDA investigates any pesticide related complaints. Complaints can be reported either by calling the SDDA or filling out a Pesticide Incident Form found on the SDDA’s website at Alleged impacts can also be reported through a confidential survey. Links to the Pesticide Incident Form and the confidential survey can also be found at under the “Happening Now” section.

Agriculture is a major contributor to South Dakota’s economy, generating $25.6 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 115,000 South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture’s mission is to promote, protect and preserve South Dakota agriculture for today and tomorrow. Visit us online at or find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.