Governor Kelly announces more than $320,000 for seven Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative projects

Governor Laura Kelly announced on Friday that more than $320,000 will go toward seven new partnership initiatives for the second year of funding through the Kansas Water Office’s Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative (KWPPI).
KWPPI invests State Water Plan Fund resources into projects centered around conserving and protecting the High Plains Aquifer, improving state water quality, reducing vulnerability to extreme events, and increasing awareness of Kansas water resources.
“These projects continue the work we are doing to secure our state’s water future,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The investments we make today will affect generations to come. The Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative ensures progress on meeting the water needs of communities in our state.”
In addition to the guiding principles, Regional Advisory Committees across the state have established water-related goals specific to their region, which applicants could cite when submitting their proposal.
“We are excited to see the impact of these projects,” said Connie Owen, director of the Kansas Water Office. “These partnerships have major impacts on local water sources and the surrounding communities.”
Below is the list of Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative Projects:
- Kansas State University, Flickner Innovation Farm, implementation of a 360 RAIN System
- Emporia State University, Prophet Aquatic Research and Outreach Center (PAROC), Water Ambassadors program
- Friends of the Kaw, Building Connections: Engaging Youth Through Water Quality Education and Technology program
- Finney County Conservation District, implementation of a new Earth balloon for water and natural resource education programs
- Nemaha County Conservation District, implementation of a new roller/crimper in cover crop management and completion to enhance soil health and for outreach programs
- Doniphan County Conservation District, implementation of a new no-till drill and education program materials
- Osage County Conservation District, implementation of water education programs