Videos from silage conference now available online

Lallemand Animal Nutrition, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Iowa State University partnered for the second time to offer a one-day silage conference specifically for beef producers. More than 200 nutritionists, producers, extension personnel and students attended the event near Mead, Neb., at the UNL Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center—plus more than 40 live streams of the event.

The conference covered topics ranging from the value of silage in beef cattle rations to effective management practices to improve dry matter recovery and reduce shrink.

“We are proud to work with UNL and ISU to continue to help improve profitability of beef producers’ operations,” says Bob Charley, forage products manager, Lallemand Animal Nutrition. “At the end of the day, feed is the No. 1 cost in any operation. Improving silage quality—and quantity—is one way to help lower feed costs and improve profitability.”

The conference included nine presentations from experts at UNL, ISU, the University of Florida, Great Plains Livestock Consulting, Inc., Nutrition Services Associates, Darr Feedyard, Craig Cattle Co. and Lallemand Animal Nutrition. The speakers discussed how to improve corn silage quality, silage management, silage characteristics, kernel processing and corn silage pricing.

“It was a pleasure to partner with Lallemand and ISU for this conference once again,” says Galen Erickson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “In helping host and sponsor this conference, our goal is to bring research that can be immediately applied to producers’ operations. In turn, attendees can expect short- and long-term results in improved feed quality, reduced feed costs and better animal performance.”

Videos of each presentation can be found at For a free copy of the conference proceedings, contact Lauren Kasten at [email protected].

Other free resources on silage management can found at