Third EIA-positive horse identified in Colorado

The Colorado Department of Agriculture’s State Veterinarian’s Office has been notified that a third Colorado horse has tested positive for Equine Infectious Anemia. The investigation is ongoing but appears to be unrelated to the prior two cases of EIA in Colorado this year. After initial test results were received, confirmatory testing was completed at the National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa, on Nov. 2.
“The current risk to the general equine population is low at this time, given that we are nearing the end of vector season in Colorado. This disease occurrence also highlights the importance of disease prevention practices, such as not sharing needles, syringes, tack, and equipment along with routine testing for EIA,” said State Veterinarian Dr. Keith Roehr.
The horse was tested at a veterinary clinic in Weld County as part of a pre-purchase examination under the buyer’s name. This horse allegedly participated in unsanctioned horse races. The investigation into the current location of the horse is ongoing. 
A negative EIA test (Coggins) is required to cross state lines in the United States. It also is recommended that all equestrian shows, rodeos, fairs, and other equine events consider requiring a negative Coggins for entry, even if the horses haven’t crossed state lines. Coggins tests are also recommended as an important component of a pre-purchase exam.
For additional information on EIA, please visit the CDA Equine Infectious Anemia website.  EIA is a disease that is reportable to the Colorado Department of Agriculture, State Veterinarian’s Office. Visit the CDA Livestock Health website for guidance on reportable diseases.