Ada livestock auction report

The Southern Oklahoma Livestock Auction, Ada, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 3,350 head selling on Nov. 7, compared to 4,100 head a week ago and 2,800 head last year, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to a week ago, steer calves 300 to 500 pounds were selling steady to $2 higher and heifer calves 300 to 500 pounds were selling $1 to $4 higher. Heavier weights were selling mostly steady on comparable sales. Quality ranged from plain to attractive but there were a great deal of short to weaned and unweaned calves offered. Forecasts for freezing weather limited demand for calves under 300 pounds and unweaned, fleshy offerings. Overall demand was moderate to good. Heifers made up 42% and cattle over 600 pounds, 17% of supply.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 8 head, 213 to 225 lbs., 185.00 to 190.00 (188.23); 10 head, 255 to 298 lbs., 190.00 to 200.00 (193.24); 6 head, 268 lbs., 212.00 thin fleshed; 19 head, 310 to 345 lbs., 180.00 to 190.00 (183.69); 9 head, 346 lbs., 175.00 fleshy; 6 head, 318 lbs., 195.00 thin fleshed; 355 to 388 lbs., 178.00 to 190.00 (182.66); 14 head, 382 to 399 lbs., 170.00 to 174.00 (173.44) fleshy; 7 head, 350 lbs., 192.50 thin fleshed; 400 to 449 lbs., 171.00 to 182.50 (173.50); 401 to 443 lbs., 164.00 to 170.00 (168.53) fleshy; 455 to 499 lbs., 165.00 to 174.00 (167.44); 454 to 494 lbs., 154.00 to 165.00 (160.64) fleshy; 501 to 548 lbs., 153.00 to 166.00 (156.08); 515 to 548 lbs., 144.00 to 151.00 (146.48) fleshy; 550 to 588 lbs., 147.00 to 156.00 (150.86); 568 to 597 lbs., 135.00 to 144.00 (140.22) fleshy; 609 to 645 lbs., 131.00 to 138.00 (135.76) fleshy calves; 14 head, 677 to 698 lbs., 138.00 to 141.00 (140.16) calves; 665 to 693 lbs., 130.00 to 134.00 (133.89) fleshy calves; 6 head, 728 to 742 lbs., 137.00 to 145.00 (140.96); 1 head, 955 lbs., 124.00. Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 5 head, 306 lbs., 172.50; 2 head, 385 lbs., 172.50; 403 to 448 lbs., 160.00 to 167.00 (163.30); 9 head, 423 lbs., 169.00 thin fleshed; 463 to 498 lbs., 149.00 to 162.00 (158.76); 500 to 542 lbs., 149.00 to 152.00 (150.48); 5 head, 553 lbs., 147.00; 603 to 645 lbs., 131.00 to 136.00 (133.32) calves; 10 head, 673 to 690 lbs., 132.00 to 135.00 (132.59) calves; 4 head, 710 lbs., 125.00 calves. Medium and large frame 2, 13 head, 305 to 348 lbs., 170.00 to 180.00 (174.97); 9 head, 375 to 392 lbs., 165.00 to 170.00 (167.99); 400 to 449 lbs., 150.00 to 160.00 (155.30); 456 to 493 lbs., 154.00 to 168.00 (157.66); 16 head, 535 to 547 lbs., 140.00 to 153.00 (145.91); 553 to 590 lbs., 130.50 to 141.00 (136.32); 5 head, 610 to 613 lbs., 130.00 to 134.00 (132.40); 600 to 613 lbs., 135.00 to 138.00 (135.25) calves; 4 head, 674 lbs., 135.00; 6 head, 693 lbs., 125.00 calves; 2 head, 750 lbs., 135.00; 2 head, 813 lbs., 125.00. Medium and large frame 3, 4 head, 450 lbs., 116.00; 4 head, 536 lbs., 120.00; 2 head, 583 lbs., 124.00; 1 head, 625 lbs., 121.00 calves. Large frame 1, 36 head, 586 lbs., 136.00. Small frame 3, 1 head, 455 lbs., 47.00 Longhorn.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 7 head, 355 to 397 lbs., 173.00 to 182.50 (176.81); 5 head, 410 to 425 lbs., 165.00 to 166.00 (165.41); 459 to 495 lbs., 152.00 to 162.00 (158.11); 3 head, 453 lbs., 166.00 thin fleshed; 8 head, 510 to 533 lbs., 151.00 to 156.00 (152.35); 555 to 594 lbs., 134.00 to 141.00 (137.54); 602 to 643 lbs., 125.00 to 135.00 (132.46); 8 head, 655 to 686 lbs., 126.00 to 132.00 (130.07); 15 head, 718 to 745 lbs., 125.00 to 129.00 (126.90); 3 head, 777 lbs., 110.00; 7 head, 825 to 845 lbs., 116.00 to 125.00 (122.84). Medium and large frame 2, 6 head, 531 lbs., 140.00; 3 head, 673 lbs., 120.00; 4 head, 881 lbs., 116.00. Large frame 1, 2 head, 743 lbs., 115.00.

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 20 head, 303 to 348 lbs., 153.00 to 159.00 (156.17); 10 head, 305 to 335 lbs., 150.00 fleshy; 358 to 398 lbs., 147.00 to 161.00 (155.23); 6 head, 360 to 373 lbs., 145.00 fleshy; 10 head, 358 to 361 lbs., 165.00 to 166.00 (165.30) thin fleshed; 403 to 448 lbs., 140.00 to 149.00 (145.17); 10 head, 418 to 444 lbs., 136.00 to 139.00 (137.60) fleshy; 7 head, 407 to 448 lbs., 151.00 to 155.00 (152.94) thin fleshed; 452 to 498 lbs., 133.00 to 146.00 (138.17); 6 head, 487 to 497 lbs., 131.00 fleshy; 11 head, 457 lbs., 151.00 thin fleshed; 500 to 546 lbs., 128.00 to 138.00 (131.72); 20 head, 503 to 545 lbs., 120.00 to 129.00 (125.93) fleshy; 551 to 598 lbs., 124.00 to 131.50 (127.41); 555 to 598 lbs., 120.00 to 124.00 (120.70) fleshy; 5 head, 625 to 641 lbs., 130.00 to 131.00 (130.20); 600 to 643 lbs., 122.00 to 129.00 (124.93) calves; 4 head, 603 lbs., 120.00 fleshy calves; 6 head, 663 to 668 lbs., 130.00; 8 head, 655 to 683 lbs., 126.00 to 129.00 (126.62) calves; 12 head, 703 to 745 lbs., 125.00 to 130.00 (128.19). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 4 head, 293 lbs., 130.00; 12 head, 318 to 338 lbs., 133.00 to 151.00 (144.24); 11 head, 410 to 442 lbs., 133.00 to 142.00 (135.65); 11 head, 478 to 494 lbs., 125.00 to 127.00 (125.93); 500 to 540 lbs., 124.00 to 133.00 (126.25); 550 to 597 lbs., 120.00 to 129.00 (122.96); 6 head, 615 lbs., 120.00 calves. Medium and large frame 2, 3 head, 247 lbs., 140.00; 10 head, 267 to 293 lbs., 110.00 to 121.00 (115.39); 9 head, 303 to 347 lbs., 140.00 to 145.00 (142.06); 13 head, 371 to 395 lbs., 130.00 to 140.00 (131.61); 4 head, 428 to 443 lbs., 120.00; 13 head, 450 to 492 lbs., 110.00 to 121.00 (118.73); 15 head, 535 to 546 lbs., 115.00 to 124.00 (118.33); 7 head, 550 to 585 lbs., 108.00 to 115.00 (114.00). Medium and large frame 2 to 3, 5 head, 589 lbs., 111.00. Medium and large frame 3, 2 head, 405 lbs., 114.00; 3 head, 518 lbs., 111.00. Small frame 3, 2 head, 278 lbs., 92.50 Longhorn; 4 head, 365 to 387 lbs., 65.00 to 71.00 (69.56) Longhorn; 2 head, 420 lbs., 46.00 Longhorn.

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 7 head, 355 to 397 lbs., 173.00 to 182.50 (176.81); 5 head, 410 to 425 lbs., 165.00 to 166.00 (165.41); 459 to 495 lbs., 152.00 to 162.00 (158.11); 3 head, 453 lbs, 166.00 thin fleshed; 8 head, 510 to 533 lbs., 151.00 to 156.00 (152.35); 555 to 594 lbs., 134.00 to 141.00 (137.54); 602 to 643 lbs, 125.00 to 135.00 (132.46); 8 head, 655 to 686 lbs., 126.00 to 132.00 (130.07); 15 head, 718 to 745 lbs., 125.00 to 129.00 (126.90); 3 head, 777 lbs., 110.00; 7 head, 825 to 845 lbs., 116.00 to 125.00 (122.84). Medium and large frame 2, 6 head, 531 lbs., 140.00; 3 head, 673 lbs., 120.00; 4 head, 881 lbs., 116.00. Large frame 1, 2 head, 743 lbs., 115.00.