Mixed fall conditions reported (Wyoming)

Wyoming experienced below normal temperatures for the week ending Nov. 11, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Wyoming. Thirty-three of the 34 reporting stations reported below average temperatures for the week. The high temperature of 54 degrees was recorded at Riverton and a low of 8 degrees below zero was recorded at Sundance. Below normal moisture was reported at 17 of the 34 reporting stations. Four stations reported no moisture. Casper reported the most moisture with 0.63 inches. A reporter from north central Wyoming indicated that it has been a mixed fall with the northern area doing well going into winter while to the south it was dry, then they got hail, which damaged the winter pasture. A reporter from western Wyoming reported that it has been cold and they have received some snow. A reporter from southeastern Wyoming noted that late fall conditions persist.