Colorado Parks and Wildlife accepting applications for the Colorado Sportsmen’s Roundtable

CPW aims to maintain a diverse membership on the Roundtable. Currently, we are looking to fill six positions located across all regions of the state.
Responsibilities of members include:
- Participating in an in-person meeting twice a year at meeting locations that rotate around the state. Travel to meetings is at the member’s expense.
- Participating in conference calls every two to three months.
- Sharing information and ideas with Roundtable members and senior CPW staff on pressing issues.
- Sharing your contact information on the CPW Roundtable webpage and being available to sportsmen around the state to share and discuss information pertinent to the Roundtable.
Volunteering for the Sportsmen’s Roundtable is a great opportunity to share information with Colorado Parks and Wildlife on recreation and management issues that are relevant to hunters, anglers, and trappers. Be an integral part of the conversation!
Fill out the application available online and linked from the CPW Sportsmen’s Roundtable webpage ( by the deadline (printed version available upon request). CPW staff will make selections and notify you about whether or not you are selected. For more information about the process, please contact Jody Kennedy at 303-866-3203 x 4671 or [email protected].
Hunters and anglers are vitally important to Colorado Parks and Wildlife and to the successful management of Colorado’s wildlife. Sportsmen are directly affected by the agency’s fish and wildlife management decisions and provide much of the funding for wildlife conservation in the state. Colorado Parks and Wildlife encourages effective channels for consulting with the state’s hunters and anglers through the Sportsmen’s Roundtable and Regional Sportsmen’s Caucuses.
The Sportsmen’s Roundtable is a statewide panel comprised of 16 or more statewide members appointed by CPW and at least two delegates from each of four Sportsmen’s Regional Caucuses. The statewide Roundtable meets in person twice a year to help the agency by sharing information, discussing important topics and identifying emerging issues. Four Regional Sportsmen’s Caucuses also hold meetings twice a year. Caucus meetings are open to all local hunters and anglers to discuss regional issues. Caucus delegates then share this information with the statewide Roundtable. Caucus delegates are selected through a separate process determined by sportsmen who participate in the Regional Caucus meetings.
The Colorado Sportsmen’s Roundtable is made up of individual members who represent a broad range of interests related to hunting, fishing and trapping in Colorado. These interests include, but are not limited to, small and big game hunting, sport fishing, outfitting and other sportsmen-dependent businesses. For more information about the Sportsmen’s Roundtable, Regional Sportsmen’s Caucuses and the members of both groups, visit CPW’s website.