KLA introduces fake meat bill during first week of session

The Kansas Legislature began the 2020 session recently. Kansas Livestock Association hit the ground running with introduction of a pre-filed bill, HB 2437, which would protect Kansas consumers from the false labeling claims of meat analogs, otherwise known as “fake meat.” Many meat analog product labels are intentionally misleading, which is confusing to consumers.

Therefore, this bill would require the label of meat analogs to state “this product does not contain meat” in the same style, size and font as the product name. A hearing for HB 2437 was held Jan. 23 at 3:30 p.m. in House Agriculture Committee.

Animal health document deadlines: The Kansas Department of Agriculture introduced a bill in the House Agriculture Committee that would move the animal health license, permit and registration deadlines from June 30 to Sept. 30. HB 2451 also would allow the department to be reimbursed for the actual cost of official calfhood vaccination tags.

Water rights: KDA introduced a bill, SB 270, in the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee that would allow water rights certified after 2009 to be enrolled in a multi-year flex account.

Members can stay up-to-date on what’s happening during the 2020 legislative session by following @newsfromKLA on Twitter or Facebook and the hashtags #ksfakemeat and #KLAatthecapitol.