Wheat conditions reported

According to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service for the week ending April 12, the following wheat crop conditions were reported:

Nebraska: Winter wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 6 poor, 18 fair, 69 good, and 6 excellent.

Kansas: Winter wheat condition rated 4% very poor, 11 poor, 35 fair,
 44 good, and 6 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 34%, ahead of 22 last year, but behind 40 for the five-year average.

Oklahoma: Winter wheat jointing reached 87%, up 25 points from the previous year and up
 9 points from normal. Winter wheat headed reached 2%, down 4 points from the previous year and down 8 points from normal.

Texas: Winter wheat fields continued to be grazed throughout much of the state while in some areas of the Northern and Southern High Plains, wheat was being cut for silage. Persistent dry conditions in areas of South Texas damaged winter wheat yield potential, while some producers were already failing winter wheat where drought conditions were more severe.

South Dakota: Winter wheat condition rated 0% very poor, 0 poor, 19 fair, 77 good, and 4 excellent.

Colorado: County reports indicated winter wheat progress was slightly behind due to lack of consistent moisture. Irrigated crop producers noted dry soil moisture profiles were concerning. Reports noted a lot of the non-irrigated winter wheat has been chiseled and even watered to avert blowing fields.

Missouri: Winter wheat condition was rated at 2% very poor, 7 poor, 42 fair, 42 good, and 7 excellent.

New Mexico: Reports from Union County indicated there was some concern that the winter wheat crop was developed to a point that could result in freeze damage. In Curry County, the dryland wheat crop was reported in fair to good condition, while irrigated wheat was good to excellent.