Mother’s Day shines regardless of era

Dave Bergmeier

Mother’s Day, recognized on May 10, should not take a backseat to COVID-19. While it has a different feel on the High Plains this year, it should remind us even more about the affinity we have for our mothers.

In non-coronavirus times, Mother’s Day is one of the highest attended church services of the year and in recent years is also appropriately tied with graduation day. It is one of the biggest days for the restaurant industries. Flower shops and gift stores traditionally count on a boost from Mother’s Day. This Mother’s Day may only feature a telephone call and perhaps a card as gestures to reinforce our reverence for the influence our mothers have on who we are today.

It was the drive of mothers who recognized the importance of formal education, making sure their children, regardless of gender, received a well-rounded education first in the classroom and later to have access to athletic fields and extracurricular endeavors as another outlet to reinforce importance of teamwork.

In the farming and ranching industry mothers have evolved too, just like their male counterparts. Today many mothers work off the farm, a necessity to maintain household income as they often carry family health and related coverage policies. They also are the caretakers family and business records, taking charge in meals and doubling down to make sure the children are getting school work done. Many teach Sunday school as an example to their children about importance of faith.

Their willingness to send notes of both praise and best wishes to not only their children but also friends and colleagues remains a timeless gem. Many leadership programs are led by facilitators who remind participants that writing notes, just like their mother used to do, remains one of the most important intangible parts of demonstrating the importance of a personal touch. The facilitator often says that an email, while helpful, never takes the place of the personal note that comes from the heart. Many mothers may not have thought much about it in those terms but understand the sentiment.

With social distancing and many other restrictions in place as our country deals with a pandemic it certainly brings back many memories of being told to “thoroughly wash your hands” and “take care of yourself because it all starts and ends with you.” Household chores belong to the entire family and not one gender. Mother’s Day 2020 is a reminder that words and actions count. Mothers would shrug about such bragging but inside they should be beaming.

At High Plains Journal women colleagues represent the very best qualities necessary to put together a high-quality publication. They do so while balancing their other vocations as mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters. The High Plains mothers can take a well-deserved bow. When the next family celebrations occur, and they will, moms will be taking the lead in hugs. What a joyful time that will be for everyone and it does not get any better than that even these in trying times.

Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or [email protected]