New Mexico ag products available

Consumers searching for New Mexico agricultural products may find items listed on the New Mexico Department of Agriculture website at

“During this unprecedented time, there have been many instances in which we’ve needed to identify food sources quickly,” said New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte. “This new resource allows consumers to connect with agricultural businesses and producers right here in New Mexico.”

As part of the emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NMDA has assisted with identifying sources and securing food in a timely manner, whether it has been for food banks or for New Mexico’s Nations, Tribes and Pueblos. To add to this effort, now consumers can link directly to local producers and agricultural businesses.

“We want to have a central hub for home-grown and produced items,” said Witte. “We’re still working with the ag industry to grow this resource. Products are continuously being added to the list, and we plan to continue this effort post-pandemic.”