Assisting agribusinesses applying for economic disaster loans
Wyoming Small Business Development Center advisers across the state can help agribusiness owners applying for Economic Injury Disaster Loans.
SBDC state director Jill Kline said advisers are helping agribusiness owners prepare for the applications.
Agricultural businesses include those engaged in the production of food and fiber, ranching, and raising of livestock, aquaculture and all other farming and agricultural-related industries, according to the SBA.
The program can provide funds and an up to $10,000 advance to businesses experiencing temporary difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It’s not a difficult application necessarily, but you want to prepare ahead of time so you know what to have,” Kline said. “You want to have everything you need beforehand. It’s all online and once you hit submit, it disappears.”
Local SBDC advisers can be found by going to and filling out the form or using the map. Additional information can be found on the U.S. Department of Treasury’s COVID-19 Relief website and at the Wyoming SBDC’s COVID-19 resource webpage For more information, contact SBDC regional director Bruce Morse at 307-754-2139.