High Plains Journal’s FFA circulation promotion boosts youth

A High Plains Journal circulation promotion has raised more than $23,500 to help FFA chapters in nearly every state of the country.

From April 1 to May 8, HPJ made a commitment to continue the legacy the farmers and ranchers have built on their farm and preserve the momentum for youth by contributing 25% of all subscription revenue directly to the state FFA foundation designated by participating subscribers.

Efforts like these are what families and partners in the industry do to support one another, said Associate Publisher Zac Stuckey. “High Plains Journal’s vision behind the FFA partnership initiative was to unite agriculture’s collective strength, perseverance and generosity along with a passionate promise to help supply opportunity for our future generation.”

The promotion struck a positive chord with recipients, who were appreciative of the initiative and reinforced what the program means.

“We are pleased to be able to partner with the High Plains Journal to help support agriculture education programs. It is gratifying to know that HPJ readers can and do support local FFA chapters in many ways—including purchasing a subscription that will benefit their own businesses at the same time,” said Beth Gaines, executive director of the Kansas FFA Foundation. “Now, more than ever, making sure that we have young people who are vested in the production of food and fiber for this country is critical. Those seeds are planted in agricultural education classrooms and at FFA events. I feel that the future is bright—thanks to these relevant and innovative programs. We appreciate the support from the HPJ team as we grow for the future.”

Students and alumni say FFA has been one of the best experiences in helping to mold them.

“As I near my final year of college, I have realized how much of an impact FFA has had on my life and who I am today,” said Alan Hinds, of Tonganoxie, Kansas. “FFA brings together students from all backgrounds together through their shared passion for agriculture so that they can grow as leaders, future professionals, and citizens. The lessons, skills, friends and connections that I have gained from FFA have presented countless opportunities for me and allowed me to succeed when I seize these opportunities.”

Other alumni also noted how the program opens door to agriculture and business.

“FFA provided me growth and opportunities. Living in a small town meant little access to many resources, but being in FFA allowed me to learn more about the industry that provides a livelihood for my community and feeds the world,” said Scuyler Zenger, a Washington, Kansas, alumni. “FFA has connected me to people and businesses that offer experiences for young leaders to develop professional skills like effective communication and teamwork that will be vital in the workplace. I credit a lot of who I am today to my time in the FFA.”

“To me, FFA means cultivating learning and preparing students for future success. This is accomplished by providing an atmosphere where students learn hard and soft skills in their areas of interest,” said Michael Dowd, a Spring Hill, Kansas, alumni. FFA has been a catalyst in my personal and professional development by challenging me to grow and maintain an open mindset in agriculture—both of which will lead me to career opportunities that will be rewarding and fulfilling.”

Kansas was the top state with $6,744 and the remainder of the top five included Oklahoma at $4,436, Colorado at $2,017, Missouri at $1,971 and Texas at $1,933. Here are the totals from the other states: Nebraska, $1,663; Iowa, $1,069; South Dakota, $656; Illinois, $472; New Mexico, $415; Arkansas, $350; Minnesota, $232; Montana, $170; Wyoming, $154; New York, $114; North Dakota, $114; Arizona, $108; California, $105; Wisconsin, $104; Georgia, $72; Michigan, $68; Ohio, $68; Idaho, $65; Utah, $64; Indiana, $54; Washington, $54; Virginia, $52; Tennessee, $50; Maryland, $36; Alabama, $28; Oregon, $28; Pennsylvania, $28; Nevada, $14; and South Carolina, $14.

Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or dbergmeier@hpj.com.