Primary election is quickly approaching

The Aug. 4 primary election is quickly approaching. First, we want to thank our local election officers who have worked tirelessly to ensure the security and safety of this upcoming election amidst historical circumstances.

Second, we want to remind voters they have multiple options for how to cast their ballot in 2020, including voting in-person on Election Day, advance-in person voting, and advance by mail ballots.

To help ensure the protection of voters and election workers, our office has received and allocated over $4 million in federal funding to assist Kansas with election-related expenditures resulting from COVID-19.

These funds have been used to reimburse counties for unexpected election expenses related to COVID-19 and to secure personal protection equipment kits, plexiglas shields, and disposable stylus pens for all Kansas polling places. Polling location guides have been updated to provide for greater distances between voting booths, allow increased distance between voters and election workers, ensure sanitation of voting equipment and technology after each use, and more.

Please note the 2020 election dates and deadlines:

—Aug. 4 is the primary election; and

—Aug. 7 is the last day for advance by mail ballots to be received—must be postmarked by Aug. 4.

We strongly encourage all registered voters to exercise their right to vote on, or before, Aug. 4.

Scott Schwab is Kansas’s secretary of state.