What to expect next is hard to know

What a year! What an election! What a week! And what a life!

Am I broke? Are they going to raise taxes? If I was planning on selling some property do I need to do it before the other party takes over and they change what is taxable? Or will the party stay the same and we go on with life? I don’t like what I see in politics on a lot of different levels. We have so much hatred and want to win at any cost that if we are not careful we may destroy what all our forefathers worked hard to get.

The stock market and cattle futures took a big jump on Monday. I ask why and they said Pfizer came out Monday morning with an announcement that the company has a coronavirus vaccination that is more than 90% effective. I don’t know about you but I find it quite interesting that Pfizer made this announcement just after the election instead of just before.

The feeder market last week and calf market was very good. We sold 73 black steers off the cow weighing 486 pounds that brought $175.25 per hundredweight. We sold a load of feeder heifers weighing 807 that brought $134 per hundredweight. And a load of mixed color steers weighing 856 at $141 per hundredweight. We also sold a few 900-pound steers also at $141 per hundredweight.

Northwest Cattleman had a sale Tuesday selling two sets of Red Angus bred heifers that brought $1,525 per head and some blacks not quite as big for $1,325. In keeping a heifer for a cow there are two things that are a must—high quality and gentle.

I saw some very interesting bumper stickers the other day. One of them said, “Think twice cause I won’t.” Yet another one said, “My brakes work fine. How’s your insurance?” Another one said, “My driving scares me too.” Another one said, “My bucket list and it had a picture of a bucket filled with Coors Light.” Another said, “My horn is broke but my finger still works.”

Another one said, “Ammo is expensive. Do not expect a warning shot.” And probably one you might want to get is, “No trespassing. I own firearms and a backhoe.” Another one is for you truckers that says, “Thank God for tall trucks and short skirts.” And the best one of all is, “Welfare is not a career.”

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.