
Read Psalm 23:1-3

"[The Lord] restores my soul." Psalm 23:3 (NRSV)

One night I woke up around midnight feeling anxious, and everything just snowballed from there. I was worrying about areas where I felt like a failure. My long list of responsibilities loomed over me, and I could not find peace. Finally, I prayed for God’s help, and Psalm 23 came to mind. This psalm has always been a soothing balm for me as I visualize God’s green pasture and still waters. But this time God showed me something different.

Verses two and three do not begin with the pronoun I but with the pronoun he, meaning God. While I had been wrestling with all the things that I had not been doing, the psalm was showing me that God is the one who is in charge of the paths of righteousness. I do not fulfill any of the promises here—not one! It is God who does the guiding, providing, restoring, and all other good things. I had been struggling needlessly with burdens that were not mine to carry.

The heavy weights of worry and anxiety began to be replaced by peace, and I was able to go back to sleep. Nothing was left for me to worry over. God had it all covered.

Prayer: Good Shepherd, thank you for reminding us that we are not in charge. Help us to find peace in you. Amen.

Thought for the day: The Shepherd carries all my burdens.

—Belle Todd, Texas