It’s been a year since last Valentine’s Day. Since then we have been through a lot. I have had so many trying times including some depression and anxiety. I feel so drained of energy and any want to do anything. There are those people around me that have made my problems seem like an exaggeration rather than a real problem. I have kept going and am glad that I have survived and my family is healthy as well.
I have my husband and children who have been there with me through all of this crazy year. I do not go into many shopping places and want to express how much I love them. I am so much appreciative of all they have done. I wonder what I can do that does not include shopping. I missed the holiday, but I guess I could do something to show how much I care.
It may seem like a simple thing, but writing is something you can do. A beautiful card would be great but a handwritten note saying all of the things you might not have said during this past year.
I believe that people thrive on honesty, respect and love. How would you express that in a letter, a special meal with a note of appreciation, and maybe even words that you read that say what you have been thinking.
People handle crises differently and although you have a few loving supporters it does make the other people less important. If a friend is not supportive for whatever reason, perhaps you can just leave them alone. It is sad to a degree but realistically people who are stressed are not at their best. You may see what is going on in a year from now and not be so bothered about it.
In the meantime, be the person you are meant to be and do the kindnesses that you feel are appropriate for you. The others will have to do the same.
Send blessings to everyone who is having a rough time, pray for them, pray for yourself and your family. Be grateful every day! Start a journal and write about the things that you feel thankful for all that you have, some people did not get that chance.
To submit problems, contact Juanita Sanchez, psychotherapist, by email at or through High Plains Journal.