PEDV concerns arise for Oklahoma swine shows

The COVID-19 virus has been on the minds of everyone the last year, but Oklahoma swine owners are taking extra precautions for a different coronavirus, Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, or PEDV.

Oklahoma had a particularly bad breakout in spring of 2019 and is trying to prevent a similar outbreak as the Oklahoma Youth Expo draws closer March 8 to 19. The extreme cold temperatures in February could cause additional breakouts as stress can cause animals to be more susceptible to this very contagious virus. Symptoms include: severe diarrhea, vomiting and a high mortality in piglets. PEDV has a one- to three-day incubation period and a minimum infectious time of 10 days and up to three to four weeks.

On Feb. 12, Oklahoma State Veterinarian Dr. Rod Hall, DVM, and Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur, along with other Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry members, participated in a virtual meeting to explain the risks with PEDV and set strict mandates for upcoming swine shows. ODAFF is now requiring a certificate of veterinarian inspection within 72 hours of any show. The CVI must include a statement from a veterinarian that no pigs from the premises have shown signs of PEDV two weeks prior to a show.

Additionally, the OYE barrow show will be terminal and there will be no hog showmanship competition to prevent the spread of PEDV. OYE have set stringent rules to keep barrows away from gilts, so the gilts do not become infected and bring the virus back to farms. Any tack left from the barrow show will be confiscated and only returned for a fee after being disinfected, and any gilts or exhibitors found in barrow barns will be disqualified. Many Oklahoma counties are also requiring hogs trailers to be checked before hogs are removed and brought to the stalls. Extension agents suggest exhibitors clean and disinfect trailers between travel to and from show barns.

Lacey Newlin can be reached at 620-227-1871 or [email protected].