
Read Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”—Matthew 11:28 (KJV)

I had retired from my job of over 20 years, and my children were all grown with families of their own. My once-hectic schedule of being a working mom seemed to come to a screeching halt. I should have been relishing this newfound slower pace. After all, wasn’t this what I had looked forward to during those busy, exhausting years? Yet I found myself slightly depressed and feeling a sense of failure. I felt guilty that I was not accomplishing more in my life. I felt restless and like a fish out of water.

Finally, I did something I wish I had done earlier: I prayed about these feelings. The Lord began to remind me gently of things I was accomplishing. God also reminded me that I didn’t need to keep up the former breakneck speed of my schedule. This was a different season of my life, and the pace could be slower.

I felt God’s encouragement all through my spirit. I realized that those whispers of guilt and discouragement were not what God wanted for me. I began to view my schedule through a different lens. I felt hope, relief and a new energy. I was where I should be and was able to rest in that comforting truth.

Prayer: Thank you, Father God, for guiding our lives. Help us to trust in your perfect will. Amen.

Thought for the day: God has a special purpose for every season in our lives.

—Belle Todd, Texas