Engineering Your Farm podcast focuses on new technologies and environmental issues in agriculture

The field agricultural engineering team with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach continues to offer the “Engineering Your Farm” podcast, which provides timely information on engineering and environmental issues in agriculture.

The team works with farmers and agribusiness professionals to help improve the efficiency, profitability and environmental outcomes on farms and rural homesteads.

The podcast features information and interviews with people from the Midwest and around the world who have expertise in a wide variety of topics relevant to Iowa agriculture.

Previous episodes have covered a range of topics, including soil and water management, nutrient management, weed management, autonomous robotics, livestock facility ventilation and more. Future episodes will focus on solutions to common problems on farms and farmsteads and will continue to explore new technologies to make agriculture more productive, resilient and profitable.

The podcast is available on many popular podcast players. Subscribe to the Engineering Your Farm podcast and stay tuned for new episodes.

“This podcast is a great way for people to learn about new developments and get the latest information regarding management of farm facilities, rural homesteads, livestock and crops,” said Brian Dougherty, field agricultural engineer with ISU Extension and Outreach. “Participants will also hear insights from industry experts and other farmers on implementing technologies and ideas to improve efficiency and profit while stewarding our natural resources.”