KLA submits comments to Department of Transportation

The Kansas Livestock Association submitted comments recently in response to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the use of speed-limiting devices in commercial motor vehicles of a certain weight.

The association made clear its opposition to the unreasonable and burdensome proposition that those operating commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce with a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight of 26,001 pounds or more and equipped with an electric control unit capable of governing the maximum speed be required to limit the vehicle to a speed determined by the final rule. Additionally, the comments stated the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration should not expand the proposed rulemaking to include vehicles in classes 3 through 6.

It was pointed out the proposed rule to limit the maximum speed would hinder the ability of Kansas producers to safely transport livestock and, ultimately,  could be detrimental to the animals’ well-being. KLA urged DOT to abandon this proposed rulemaking and any future unnecessary or burdensome regulations that would have negative effects on the speed of commerce, livestock well-being or the individual freedom of Kansas livestock producers.