Remember your neighbor this season

With Thanksgiving just over it won’t be long until Christmas.

And with the mid-term elections mostly over at least it won’t be one party completely in control so hopefully we can stop the willingness to give money away.

Thanksgiving is fun times for a lot of people, but it is also a sad time for a lot of others. Tell your family to do nice things for people, either poor or sad—and often the smallest act of kindness goes a long way for them. The elderly get ignored too much.

I stopped to visit with an older cowboy the other day. I talked to him for about five minutes and when I was leaving, he said, “Thank you for stopping and talking to me.” It wasn’t that he thought I was so great it, was simply that older people often get ignored.

I looked at the cattle futures on Monday and showed November feeders in 2023 at $206.35. Even May feeds for 2023 are at $190.55. Next April fats were at $160.23 and June was $156.17.

A lot of cattle forecasters do not take into consideration all the heavy-bred cows we have processed even before the drought. It will be quite interesting with the packers used to making unheard of profits for a long time—from $600 to $1,200 per head—as cattle get in shorter supply whether the packer will go back to a smaller profit where they should be or whether they will jack the price up so high at the grocery store that people will back off beef.

On Sunday, the preacher asked if anyone needed a prayer and if so he told them to come up front. A 40-year-old man came to the front. The preacher asked him what needed prayer for. The man said, “It is for my hearing.”

So the preacher put both hands on his head and said prayers for his hearing. After he finished the preacher asked the man, “How is your hearing now?” The man replied, “I don’t know. It is not until Thursday.”

Go to church Sunday. Do something nice for someone this week too. The walls will not fall in when you go into church. It didn’t for me.

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.