Cold weather is an attention getter

I walked out of the house this morning and, wow, was it cold. I know I am a wimp and particularly when it comes to cold weather but some of you have that extra coat that you can’t take off.

The futures showed some strength Tuesday. I know of several buyers who say they wanted to avoid June fat cattle, which a lot of 500-pound to some 600-pound cattle would have hit and be fat then. But not long ago, for a short period, June futures were higher than April. Now they are $1.30 lower but still closer than normal. In February, some were buying those 800-pound heifers and hitting that unwanted June fat cattle market and buying very aggressively.

But there is no reason for me to try to figure out why the buyers think what they do when I can’t figure out what I am doing.

Grains are very strong in price—making a lot of cattlemen think that they are farmers. I myself can grow bindweed better than wheat or triticale but it probably is a lot higher in protein.

Marijuana seems to be a booming crop in a lot of places. And if you don’t have an ailment you or your doctor can probably think of one. It has made a lot of small acreages and buildings more valuable. I have never tried it but there are days of owning a sale barn you might want to keep that medical card handy.

Did you know that you use 14 muscles when you open a bottle of wine? Now I know why I feel so healthy.

I just re-read that comment about needing a medical card if you own a sale barn and the lady that runs the Rockin’ 9 Restaurant at the sale barn said, “Well, what about us café people, we may need it too.”

You can’t blame anyone else if you fall in your own driveway. That’s your own asphalt.

Editor’s note: Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.