Faith is a powerful tool

Every two months at the church I attend a men’s breakfast is served. Then a couple of men will talk about their faith or whatever they wish to say.

Recently one man in his 30s said a few years ago after a long battle of depression he said to himself that he was going to church that morning and if there really was a God that he was going to have to show him or that afternoon he was going kill himself. Before the service started the preacher was greeting a lot of people there.

The preacher gave the man a hug and said, “Remember I love you and so does God.” That gave the man enough hope that he didn’t follow through with his threat to harm himself. Often through life a lot of us don’t realize how much effect we can have on other people’s lives. Sometimes a kind word or encouragement can be the difference of live and death. There is a lot more to life than money.

Cattle feeder futures for next fall starting in August to November 2023 are from $201.60 to $206.20. The October fat cattle futures on Tuesday were at $160.22. Bred cow demand on younger cows is very good with even the middle age bred cows gaining momentum too. Also, some of the old cows with no teeth 5 months bred and more are going back home.

For a long time up until the last six weeks a lot of the middle age bred cows and older were going to the packer. But I knew several months ago you would hear ranchers say they thought in the spring of 2023 bred cows and pairs would be very high.

A farm mother was preparing an early supper so her 11-year-old daughter could get to the 4-H meeting on time. Everything was ready when she discovered she was almost out of ketchup. She was thumping away at the end of the nearly empty bottle when the phone rang so she asked her daughter to answer the phone.

The caller asked to speak to her mom. She said, “Mom can’t come to the phone right now she is hitting the bottle.”

After hearing the grownups discuss the opposite sex a small boy turned to the neighborhood girl and asked—Are you the opposite sex or am I?

Editor’s note: The views expressed here are the author’s own and do not represent the view of High Plains Journal. Jerry Nine, Woodward, Oklahoma, is a lifetime cattleman who grew up on his family’s ranch near Slapout, Oklahoma.