Montana Stockgrowers Association heads to the hi-line for 2023 Midyear Meeting
The Montana Stockgrowers Association invites cattle producers and community members to attend the 139th Midyear Meeting slated for June 13 to 15 in Havre, Montana. The event will include updates from industry leaders, entertainment, policy meetings, and tours of the local community.
“We’re excited to see everyone at this year’s Midyear Meeting in Havre. I’m confident that every producer, MSGA member, and community member will find something of interest in the agenda we have put together,” said John Grand, MSGA president. “Whether you’re looking for policy and industry updates, networking socials, a nice prime rib dinner, or supporting a great cause through our Montana Stockgrowers Foundation—Havre has it.”
The Midyear Meeting is one of two meetings held to set association policy that guides the Association through the year. While the main focus of the meeting is for the setting of interim policy the meeting is also used as a networking opportunity.
Attendees can expect keynote addresses from industry leaders such as:
Todd Wilkinson, 2023 NCBA president, to discuss the future of the nation’s animal biosecurity and traceability.
JR Vezain, 6-time WNFR bareback qualifier, to share his road to recovery after breaking his back in 2018.
Sreekala Bajwa, MSU vice president, dean and director, College of Agriculture, to share updates from MSU’s College of Agriculture.
Darrin Boss, MSU department head of Research Centers Superintendent, to give updates and insights from the Northern Agricultural Research Center in Havre.
Wednesday morning, the Montana Department of Livestock will be providing a Secure Beef Supply Training. This training familiarizes ranchers and their veterinarians with the format and development of individualized SBS plans, and disease control measures to protect operations. The meetings will include a series of presentations that describe foot-and-mouth disease as an example of a disease that will devastate trade if it enters the U.S., and what the response to a large-scale disease outbreak will look like. The group will discuss applying these principles using models to represent layouts of livestock operations.
MSGA members will also gather to vote on and set interim policy during the Beef Production & Marketing, Land Use & Environment, and Tax, Finance and Ag Policy committee meetings.
Hosted in conjunction with MSGA’s Midyear Meeting, the Sunset Banquet is an annual fundraiser for the Montana Stockgrowers Foundation, The event brings together livestock industry professionals and the local community for a night of entertainment and giving back. Tickets are available to the public and includes the best Prime Rib dinner in town, courtesy of The Mint Bar in Big Sandy, access to the Sunset Social, live music, drawings, games, auctions and more. All ticket sales and proceeds from the event support MSF mission of investing in Montana’s ranching communities through education, leadership, and conservation.
The Montana Association of State Grazing Districts will kick off the week with its annual meeting on June 13. Other events of interest for public lands users include the Montana Grass Commission Conservation Committee meeting and the Montana Public Lands Council and MASGD joint board meeting.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to explore our host city and what makes it unique to Montana. Tours will include a look into the Northern Agricultural Research Center and Havre’s underground city.
Havre Beneath the Streets [], a Historical Underground Tour, is a recreation of Havre’s history. When fire destroyed most of Havre, business owners moved underground to carry on their business until the town could be rebuilt. Attendees will explore along the streets beneath Havre and see an opium den (one of three known to have existed in the early days), Chinese laundry, an ethnic restaurant, and a bordello.
Attendees can register for the event online at or in person on June 13-15, 2023. Registration prices start at just $75 per attendee and include packages for all needs. The event will be held at the Montana State University Northern Campus in Havre.
For more information about MSGA’s 2023 Midyear Meeting, contact MSGA’s office at 406-442-3420 or visit