UW Extension to offer sheep and goat AI class and breeding days

For those interested in learning about artificial insemination in sheep and goats, the University of Wyoming Extension will offer educational programming in Campbell and Fremont Counties in July, followed by breeding days in August.
Classroom sessions will take place 1 to 4 p.m. at the Campbell County and Fremont County extension offices July 14. UW personnel and local specialists will discuss nutrition, breeding selection, AI protocol and pregnancy testing.
“It’s the basics of how to pick a female, how to look at genetics, and what does the process look like,” explains Campbell County 4-H educator Kim Fry. “Come to learn and better your herd.”
Registration, which reserves food and supplies for the July class, closes on June 30. To register, visit http://tiny.cc/23sheepgoatai.
For participants attending only the classroom sessions, no payment is required. For those interested in breeding their animals, the cost is $75 per head, not including semen. Payment must be submitted on July 14 in order to participate in the August breeding days.
A registered AI technician will be available at breeding days in Fremont and Campbell Counties in August. Participants will be notified once dates and locations have been finalized, with lambing and kidding to be after Jan. 1.
The AI Days program is organized by UW Extension educators Kim Fry and Chance Marshall with funding from the John P. Ellbogen Foundation.
For more information, contact the Campbell County extension office at 307-682-7281 or the Fremont County extension office at 307-332-1018.