Oklahoma Genealogy Group presents ‘How to prepare for a research trip’

A new year usually brings New Year Resolutions. A resolution that many genealogists make is to finally take that trip to our state capital, our nation’s capital, the cemeteries our ancestors are buried in, the nearest large records repository or maybe, just go back “home” and visit with our elder relatives and gather their stories. Whether you do just one of these or attempt multiple trips, careful, methodical preparation can mean the difference between a successful trip or a giant waste of time and money.
The Oklahoma Home and Community Education Genealogy Group is excited to start 2024 hosting Andrea Wallis Aven as she presents “How to Prepare for a Genealogy Research Trip” on Jan. 17, at 10:00 a.m. at the Oklahoma County OSU Extension Center, 2500 NE 63rd, Oklahoma City. Andrea, a New York City native, was raised in Connecticut, but has lived in Oklahoma since 2011 and had a keen interest in genealogy for over 30 years. She has conducted significant research on her Wallis and Stewart lines and is currently writing a book about her aunt, Jane Wallis Burrell, a case officer in the office of Strategic Services, America’s first spy agency, and the first CIA officer to have died in service.
Aven is the immediate past president of the Edmond Genealogical Society, a former board member and officer of the Edmond Historical Society and Museum, and a public speaker on historical and genealogical topics. She is our State Society’s recording secretary, the state Historic Preservation Committee Chair and the honorary regent of the Cordelia Steen Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Last year she took a “genealogy vacation” visiting distant cousins, and homes and sites in England, Ireland and Scotland so she is well prepared to share her insight on the do’s and don’ts of a research trip.
The OHCE Genealogy Group meets the third Wednesday of every month to learn and share information and tips on researching our family histories. For more information, please check out our website: ohcegenealogy.com and our Facebook page: OHCE Genealogy Group.