Late night proves taxing on Easter sunrise

If conditions have been dry, wildflowers will need a drink. (Laura McKenzie/Texas A&M AgriLife)
"Just A Scoopful" - Jerry Nine
“Just A Scoopful” – Jerry Nine

There is nothing like a sunrise on Easter. Well, I guess. My sister and her husband have a cross in the pasture, and every year on Easter morning they host a sunrise service. Even I was invited.

The night before I had gone to a concert in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I got back to Oklahoma City at 12:20 a.m. I thought, “Wow! I am tired!” but told myself if I wake up at 4:30 and have a lot of energy I will go. I didn’t. Maybe I will suggest next year we have a sunset service.

Several small items caught my attention this week.

Lately we have heard that packers are losing a little money on fat cattle. If you know the packers like I do, that is not going to happen very long. Prices fell about a week earlier and ;then gained a little ground back, but that wasn’t good enough. Packers had to change the momentum. Maybe the packers forgot a few years ago they were making $600 to $1,200 per head for quite a little while. There is not a monopoly, though. Just ask them.

This past week in Texas, a person was diagnosed with a highly virulent strain of bird flu. The Texas Department of State Health Services said Monday that an infected person worked on a dairy where some cows tested positive for the N5N1 strain of bird flu. The patient’s main symptom was pink eye.

At church on Sunday, the preacher raised his arms up high on both sides, like they would be if you were hung on a cross. He reminded us that after hanging there a little while the only way you could breathe would be to pull yourself up. Sometimes we only think about Easter as hunting Easter eggs and getting together with family.

With a lot of this grassland being burned by fires, one suggestion I would have for a lot of you old cowboys is to always make sure your wire gates are loose enough for your wife to open and shut.

Not very long ago, I finally learned how to use GPS. The other day when I arrived at the cemetery, the GPS blurted out, “You have reached your final destination.”

My wife and I decided we would never go to bed angry at each other. It wasn’t very long after saying that I suggested we change that. I told her, “I don’t think you will ever get to sleep. ”That made her even madder.