
Bible - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.

Matthew 2:1-12 

“My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. -Isaiah 55:8 (NIV) 

The magi traveled far looking for “the one who has been born king of the Jews.” They sought him in Jerusalem, but King Herod sent them to Bethlehem where the chief priests and teachers of the law said the Messiah was to be born. There they found the baby Jesus, not in a palace but in a house, with his mother. Had I been one of them, I might have been disillusioned, but scripture gives no indication that they were disappointed by the humble scene. 

When God’s answers are not what we expect, it can be disappointing. Our church experienced this during the long process of finding a new senior pastor. The church elders scheduled guest preachers for a couple of months and then arranged for an interim pastor to serve for a year while a search was conducted. But two weeks before the interim pastor was to arrive, he informed us that he would not be coming. We were back to square one. 

This was not what we had expected, but it was a wonderful opportunity to practice trusting God. God’s answers may not be what we expect, but they are always perfect. Like the magi, we can receive them with joy. 

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your awesome power and for your perfect, unexpected answers to our prayers. Amen. 

Thought for the day: I can trust that God’s ways are always best. 

Lisa Stackpole (Wisconsin, USA)